This piece is perfect for the penguin lover.
Width measures 2 1/2″, height measures 5″.
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Sold by Concord
SKU: CG-CSPenguin Category: Glass Tags: Concord Gallery Glass, Glass Animal, glass art, penguin
SKU: CG-CSPenguin Category: Glass Tags: Concord Gallery Glass, Glass Animal, glass art, penguin
Artist: Sherwin, Chris
Glass has been an integral part of my life for more than 22 years. After spending a combined twelve years at two renowned glass studios, with unique but very different styles of glassblowing, I returned home to New England and started Sherwin Art Glass to allow my own style and creativity to flourish. Having a wonderful, supportive and loving network of family and friends in my life allows me to focus on this exciting stage in my career. My goal is to bring the creative and technical aspects of torchwork design and application--Painting with Glass--together with the freedom and elegance of hand-shaped forms to create harmonious, high quality, collectible pieces of glass art.
Brand: Sherwin, Chris
Weight | 3.5 lbs |

**We will update our webstore with great new listings by March of 2025, but due to the current inventory process and packing for our gallery renovation, we have temporarily removed our listings.** The League of New Hampshire Craftsmen Concord Gallery is conveniently located in downtown Concord. We offer an extensive collection of traditional and contemporary fine craft. Inspired by the vision, skill and passion of New Hampshire’s finest craftspeople, it is your destination for handcrafted excellence. 36 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301 [email protected] 603-228-8171 Temporarily closed for renovations!
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