Your credit card will be charged at the time of the order. is used as our processing system for all transactions.
Refunds and Adjustments
For all payments to the League of NH Craftsmen (LNHC) in connection with a credit card sale, LNHC will process any refund or adjustment within 3 days of receiving the customer’s request for such refund/adjustment that has been approved by LNHC or its affiliated stores, including the return of merchandise as needed.
For all credit card sales, the amount of the refund/adjustment will not exceed the amount shown as the total on the original Sales Data. In addition, LNHC will not accept cash or any other payment or consideration from a customer in return for preparing a refund to be deposited to the Cardholder’s account nor to give cash refunds to a Cardholder in connection with a Card sale, unless required by law.