For anyone who loves nature or forages for mushrooms! This unusual mug made by Richard Roth has a bark like texture outside with mushrooms that are spaced so your fingers slide in between; Approx 3 1/8″ rim diameter, 5″ 1/4″ tall; sold individually; There will be very slight variances as is the nature of hand thrown pottery .
Mushroom Mug
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Sold by Littleton
SKU: LG-8DGJ6U Category: Pottery Tags: coffee mug, littleton mug, littleton mugs, littleton nh gallery, littleton pottery, mushrooms, Nature
SKU: LG-8DGJ6U Category: Pottery Tags: coffee mug, littleton mug, littleton mugs, littleton nh gallery, littleton pottery, mushrooms, Nature
Artist: Roth, Richard
Richard (Rick) Roth is a self taught artist who has recently found the medium of clay. Rick’s love for the outdoors is clearly displayed in his work. His eye for details and ability to capture the personalities of his work is clearly shown in his little caterpillars, chipmunks, turtles, birds, sitting on the side of a bowl or vase, to simple mushrooms and lichens on his mugs, brings his pieces to life.
Richard’s work has been sold at Paradise City Art Festivals, League of New Hampshire Craftsmen, and Museum of Fine Arts, in Boston to name a few.
Rick works out of his studio in Templeton, MA where he teaches pottery classes and observes wildlife.
Brand: Roth, Richard
Weight | 1.60 lbs |

Gallery Hours: Open Wednesday through Monday 10:00am - 5:00pm Nestled in the shadow of New Hampshire’s White Mountains and located along the bank of the Ammonoosuc River, Littleton is the hub of the North Country. You will find the Littleton League of NH Craftsmen Fine Craft Gallery at 81 Main St, in the heart of downtown representing the finest in handcrafted work from league juried craftsmen. Littleton Fine Craft Gallery Loretta and Bill Stride-Owners/Managers 81 Main Street Lower Level Littleton, NH 03561 603-444-1099 [email protected]
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