Tribute Gifts
Celebrate a special occasion with an Honorary Gift to the League in the name of a friend or family member, remember someone who appreciated the League during his or her lifetime with a Memorial Gift, or assure your legacy, or the legacy of your family, with a Planned Gift to the League.
Material Donations
The engaging history of fine craft created by League members from 1932 to the present is on display in the Grodin Permanent Collection Museum at League headquarters in Concord.
An advisory committee along with League staff oversees the collection to ensure its integrity. Craftsmen or collectors who would like to submit a piece of fine craft to be considered for inclusion in the Permanent Collection can download the Permanent Collection Criteria or contact us for more information at (603) 224-3375.
The Kira Fournier Library Resource Center is available to juried and supporting members and holds approximately 2,000 books as well as periodicals and subscriptions to several fine craft magazines. If you would like to donate a book or magazine subscription, please send an email with a description of the item and how we can reach you or call League headquarters at (603) 224-3375.
Equipment or Tools in excellent condition and specialized craft-related furniture make a wonderful addition to The Craft Center. If you are considering donating an item in one of these categories, please call us at (603) 224-3375.