Event Description:
Join us at the League of NH Craftsmen – Center Sandwich Fine Craft Gallery on Tuesday, September 17th 2024 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm for a Level 1 Glass Fusing Workshop with instructor Ann Lambert.
This class will meet at the Artist Studio in Sandwich. Info will be given when you register.
Students must have glass experience or have taken the intro class. The instructor will demonstrate different techniques with discussion including kiln carving, stenciling with glass powders, optics, and glass paints. Students will create a large bowl as a final project.
Tuition is $70.00 per student. Materials fee is $50.00. The materials fee will be paid cash or check to the instructor on the day of class. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Registration form and full payment must be received at least 1 week prior to the class to ensure your place. Failure to make full payment may result in the loss of your space in the class.
To register for this workshop, please call the League of NH Craftsmen – Center Sandwich Fine Craft Gallery at (603) 284-6831, fill out the online registration form, or stop by the gallery located at 32 Main Street in Sandwich, NH.
For more details, visit our website at https://centersandwich.nhcrafts.org/classesworkshops/ and our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/sandwichhomeindustries/events
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